Vision: To create a transformational STEM learning experience which critically engages with the scientific relationship of Iwi narratives. 

Tama-nui-te-rā (the sun) is also known as Tānerore. He has two wives who represent the seasons, and divides his time between Hinetakurua, the winter maiden, and Hineraumati, the summer maiden. In this way changes in natural world, such as the seasons, were seen to be integrated with human ancestry.

The challenge: Tama-nui-te-rā is with Hineraumati and their son Tānerore. With summer coming to an end Tama-nui-te-rā needs to start making his way back. Can you help Tama-nui-te-rā get to his winter maiden Hinetakurua and on the way let Tānerore perform his dance for his mother> 

Hanging clear sheets within container 
Reflective puzzle pieces
Wearable material 
Three solar bowls have been inserted into the shipping container, allowing light to be focused into the space.

Through this design I aim to enlighten students knowledge on aspects of the light spectrum through the story of Tānerore and inspire them to create/ showcase their own wiri wiri and allow Tānerore to Shine. 
Hinetakurua appears on a light sensitive wall at end of the shipping container as the challenge is being completed. 
As students refract and reflect light onto the wall screen, Hinetakurua will gradually appear, becoming  brighter and more clear as the light is being reflected onto the end wall.
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