A temporary installation on the Wellington waterfront allowing users to scan QR codes and ‘Tell their story’
(This project was designed during New Zealand's level 4 lockdown in 2020)

Over the course of covid 19 we were forced into self isolation and in doing so, experienced a lack of community.
From this event we have identified an opportunity for intervention, to rejoin the Wellington community through the use of social media and QR codes. This technology allows users to feel connected while still remaining contactless.
The installations consist of QR code cubes sitting on top of stands reading Tell your story. These cubes provide a point of interaction for the community. Through the interaction with the QR cubes, users will get to experience multiple different AR filters via Instagram or Facebook. From the prompt ‘Tell your story’ users are asked to share their stories from their lockdown experience through these AR filters via their social media, in doing so creating an online community.